The sudden death of Paul Cotterell on May 2nd, 2007 shocked
and saddened the readers of "HaRakevet Magazine" and all those who find the
railways of this area interest. The only consolation is that Paul left a
vast legacy of historical information, much of which appeared in "HaRakevet"
and will in the future be accessible on this site. An appreciation by Rabbi
Rothschild is printed below.
An appreciation of Paul by Rabbi Walter Rothschild,
reprinted from Issue 77 of "HaRakevet":
9th. July 1944 - 2nd. May
On 2nd. May 2007 news spread swiftly, news that
changed the world for many people. Paul Cotterell, ‘Pol’ or ‘Meester Pol’ to
so many Israelis, had died suddenly, suffering a cardiac arrest while
working for the Israel Railway Museum, searching through the photographic
archives at Kishon Works.
Paul was a legend. A stern critic of sloppiness
in any form (including in ‘Harakevet’!), he was also a guide and mentor to
many who sought information or sought to help - according to his own
exacting standards. A railwayman through and through, a ‘Brummie’ and
formerly of Saltley depot in that city, a British enthusiast who
photographed extensively on the British railways system of the 1960’s, (with
an especial love for the former LMS and S&D), he later moved to Israel and
worked for many years as a signalman at Haifa Central Station signal box. He
then moved on to the Railway Museum at Haifa East, where he had long worked
in any case on an “unofficial overtime basis” in his free time. Though there
was always a figurehead ostensibly in charge, it was Paul who made things
happen there - and such a lot it was, too. A total rebuilding of the museum
facilities to incorporate the old HR engine shed and the surrounding
trackwork, the acquisition, restoration and display of several fascinating
items of motive power and rolling stock.....and small exhibits, tickets,
badges, photos, signalling equipment and so much more. He ran a ‘team’ of
volunteers who slogged away at the mountains of putrefying and yellowing
paper, covered in pigeon droppings, in damp rooms and in the attic, and
transformed all this into a properly shelved, cleaned, rolled, stored,
protected and catalogued Archive. His comments were often sardonic, but you
knew that if he ever said something positive, he meant it, and that it was
praise indeed. He was respected by all and it was amazing how many Israel
Railways employees would light up if you asked them whether they knew
‘Meester Pol’.
If there was anything to know – he knew it. If
there was anything not yet known - he would be on the trail of it – and
often with success. On his computer at the Museum were the materials for
several more articles for ‘Harakevet’ and an album of pictures of Israel
Railways ‘master shots’ with extended captions, that he was preparing for
publication. One hopes his friends can make these materials available for
publication after all - alas, now in his memory. He was a regular
contributor also to ‘Black Eight’, the magazine of the Stanier 8F Locomotive
Society, and to the ‘Industrial Railway Record’ - indeed, his interests
always tended towards the arcane, the little industrial or military lines
that had brief and hidden existences, the obscure byways that he delighted
in bringing into the light of his research. He tolerated diesels if they
were unusual and ‘interesting’ but, as has been said by others, his eyes
would light up when steam was mentioned.....
In recent months he had – following a slight
stroke - stopped smoking and improved his diet; When I last saw him, in
March, he strode up and down the roads with myself panting to keep up. He
hated being photographed and it was hard to get a shot of him without a
crazy expression on his face. He had married, once – an Israeli - and then
moved to Canada, where they later divorced. A large wall map of the Canadian
Pacific Railway and its vast empire graced his flat thereafter. They had no
children. He came back to Israel alone and became an Israeli, though he
never completed conversion to Judaism. He lived alone and spent a lot of his
working life alone - night shifts in a signal box are not for those who need
constant chatter. And yet - we had many deep discussions about theology
and life, about railways and archives and wills - and the need to ensure
that collections remained intact.
When I lived and studied in Israel in or around
1980, and began my own personal travels through various archives, everywhere
I went I learned that a ‘Paul Cotterell’ had been there before me. But
no-one knew who or where he was. Then one day, sitting on a bench on a
station on the North London Line I opened a copy of ‘Continental Modeller’-
and there was a book review of “The Railways of Palestine and Israel” - by
Paul Cotterell! A letter to Rick Tourret, the publisher, followed, and
contact was made, and the next time I came to Israel we met at Haifa Bat
Galim station, and a friendship was formed. An irreplaceable one. We
discussed his book and the fact that he had already learned since
publication much that was new and much that corrected or modified what had
been published. But there appeared no realistic chance for a second edition.
So the idea of ‘Harakevet’ was born one day, as I walked my dog along
Nursery Lane in Leeds - a small newsletter for the small circle of people
who were known to be interested in this arcane topic, a chance to share new
information on an informal basis without all the hassles of a ‘real’
publication. There was simply a need for a Boswell for Paul’s Johnson, and I
decided that I was to be he. The magazine began as typed A4 sheets on my
synagogue typewriter, photocopied at work - I think originally there were
six copies of ‘No. 1’ – and grew from there. Paul was always the major
contributor, often impatient when items stayed ‘on file’ for too long. I
used to refer to him as “Katar-El” - “The Locomotive of God”. Steam, of
course...... And high pressure, too. Paul will indeed be an impossible act
to follow. A professional railwayman and an amateur archivist, he
nevertheless brought professional standards to both. He was able to
negotiate and haggle within the hierarchies and committees of Israel
Railways- an amazing feat for someone who, in many respects, could have been
classed as an ‘outsider’. He Got Things Done - in his own way and pace, but
they Got Done.
Paul was buried on 7th. May at the Kfar Samir
Anglican / Greek Orthodox cemetery in Haifa, close to Hof HaCarmel station.
Almost 100 people attended, almost all of them Jewish, and eulogies were
given by several friends and also senior figures on Israel Railways. As
Sybil wrote, “Few people are lucky enough to be able to make their hobby
their profession, and fewer still are privileged to die without suffering,
while doing what they love best.” Paul would have hated another stroke and a
slow decline. The end came mercifully swiftly - albeit still far, far too
“Zecher Tzadik Livracha.” May the Memory
of a Good Person be a Blessing for all who knew him.
Walter Rothschild.

Photo: Paul Cotterell (in blue shirt) discussing the fine
points of railway history with a group of enthusiasts.